The past week everyone in our program (College Year in Athens/DIKEMES) got invited to the President's house (of our program, don't get too excited) for dinner and garden party. Monday night, we all piled in three huge buses and fought our way through Athenian rush hour traffic to the northern suburbs. There we were greeted by his whole family and escorted into the garden. To sum it up in one word: gorgeous.

There were little tables set up everywhere and quaint flower beds and broken pots scattered in little corners of the property. You can't be the president of a classics school and not have imitation ancient pottery in your backyard. The food was amazing. MMMMM. Our apartment tried to do some mingling, but quickly realized, we are not that good at mingling. Oh well...
This past weekend I also experienced my first Athenian metro ride. Not very noteworthy, but the destination is. The Dream Team (the self-proclaimed title of our apartment) went to Archeon Gefsis, a restaurant that is a time machine back to Classical Greece. Can there be a more perfect spot for a bunch of archaeologists? The waiters wore traditional dress of 5th c. Athens, we ate traditional food, and drank traditional drinks. It was awesome.
Its agree me the garden party more enjoyful than the at home party.Thanks for the share some life enjoyment time here..